宽原完眼蝶角蛉 Protidricerus elwesii

科:蝶角蛉科 Ascalaphidae

属:原完眼蝶角蛉属 Protidricerus


Diagnosis. Wing wide, distal margin and posterior margin of hind wing deeply curved, CuA2 reaching over 2 cells, forewing axillary angle not projecting. 

Measurements. Male: body length 32–33 mm, abdomen length 19–20 mm, antenna length 26–27 mm, forewing 36–37 mm, hind wing 32–33 mm. Female: body length 33–37 mm, abdomen length 20–21 mm, antenna length 29–32 mm, forewing 42–51 mm, hind wing 38–45 mm.

Head. Vertex, frons, genae black, with dense black long hairs. Clypeus and labrum yellow. Mandible dark brown. Maxillary palpus and labial palpus red brown, with black short setae. Eyes yellow or brown, entire, no transverse furrow. Antennae brown with black apex, spoon shape, about as long as 2/3 length of forewing.

Thorax. Pronotum grey brown, with brown long setae. Venter grey brown, with white and black long setae, male often with white long setae.

Wings. Forewing wide, light umber, the basal part of costal area dark color, veins dark brown. The distal and posterior edge strongly curved, axillary angle indistinct. Pterostigma yellowish brown, with 4 crossveins. Costal area with 34–35 crossveins, apical area with 3 rows of cells, Cubital area with 5 rows of cells in the longest central across row. Hind wing shorter than forewing, color similar to forewing. Pterostigma yellowish brown, with 5 crossveins. Apical area with 3 rows of cells, Cubital area with 4–5 rows of cells in the longest central across row. CuA2 long, reaching over 2 cells.

Legs. Femora red brown, with white and black long setae. Tibia red brown, with black long setae. Spurs and claws red brown. Tarsomere red brown.

Abdomen. Black, shorter than hind wing. Posterior margin of some segments yellow. Basal sternite of male often grey white.

Terminalia and Genitalia. Male. Ectoprocts oval; gonarcus wide vaulted; parameres close to each other terminal and far separated basal, pelta present; pulvini bursiform, with black setae. Female. Ventrovalvae long eggplant shape, without interdens; linguella small; distivalvae nearly oval.

Distribution: China (Sichuan, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangxi, Guizhou, Tibet), Burma, India, Pakistan.

  • 宽原完眼蝶角蛉 Protidricerus elwesii 生态照1:7月
  • 宽原完眼蝶角蛉 Protidricerus elwesii 生态照1:宋志顺


宽原完眼蝶角蛉 Protidricerus elwesii 生态照1:27°42’52.446″ N 119°40’52.512″ E (中国浙江省温州市泰顺县浙江乌岩岭国家级自然保护区)

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