褐带拟幻蛾蜡蝉 Mimophantia maritima

科 (Family):蛾蜡蝉科 Flatidae

属 (Genus):拟幻蛾蜡蝉属 Mimophantia

Mimophantia maritima Matsumura, 1899

Habitus of Natural History (HNH)


Head: Head including eyes narrower than pronotum; coryphe slightly wider than long about 1.2 times, anterior margin convex, lateral margin slightly carinate, disc with a very wide median carina highly carinate. Metope 1.1 times broader than long, widest at ventrad of metope, disc slightly convex, lateral margins slightly raised, with a indistinct short median carinae at dorsal margin. Frontoclypeal suture shallowly convex, clypeus convex. Rostrum extending to meta-trochanter. Antennae not extending beyond lateral margins of metope. Ocelli small and weak.

Thorax: Pronotum and mesonotum resemble with M. carinata. Metatibia with eight spines apically, and metatarsal basal segment with two large and 15 tiny spines and many long hairs apically. Tegmina slightly triangular, costal margin elongate convex, apical margin truncate, apical angle rounded and sutural angle rectangular or acute, costal membrane about 1.8 times wider than costal cell at bulla; with three veins (Sc, R+M, Cu) from base cell, clavus Y-stem long, almost half length of clavus.

Male genitalia: Pygofer ring-like in lateral view. Genital style slightly semicircular in lateral view, dorsal margin truncate and produced dorsocephalad into a small process. Anal tube lateral view short. Phallobase produced caudad into slender rod and bended directed cephalad; theca arched, without process or tooth.

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标本库照片拍摄坐标 (Location of Images Taken)

褐带拟幻蛾蜡蝉 Mimophantia maritima HNH1:31°59’33.996″ N 118°55’14.736″ E (中国江苏省南京市青龙山)

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