尖尾亮甲 Eleodes acuticauda

科 (Family):拟步甲科 Tenebrionidae

属 (Genus):亮甲属 Eleodes

Eleodes acuticauda LeConte, 1851

Habitus of Natural History (HNH)


Description. This large smooth, shiny species is easily recognizable by the broadly expanded disc of the pronotum. In dorsal view the lateral margins are evenly arcuate except for the basal constriction, and each anterior angle is strongly produced as an acuminate tooth. The prosternum has a short digitoid production. The mentum rugosely punctate, basally excavate, the anterior margin truncately arcuate. Both genders have dentate profemora and though less pronounced in females, both genders are caudate, the epipleuron ending just before the elytral apex. Female length: 24-29 mm, width: 7.7- 9.8 mm. Male length: 16.0-30.5 mm; width: 4.8-10.8 mm.

  • 尖尾亮甲 Eleodes acuticauda HNH1 & 2:9月 Sept.
  • 尖尾亮甲 Eleodes acuticauda HNH3:11月 Nov.
  • 尖尾亮甲 Eleodes acuticauda HNH4:12月 Dec. 
  • 尖尾亮甲 Eleodes acuticauda HNH5:12月 Dec. 
  • 尖尾亮甲 Eleodes acuticauda HNH6:12月 Dec. 
  • 尖尾亮甲 Eleodes acuticauda HNH7:12月 Dec. 
  • 尖尾亮甲 Eleodes acuticauda HNH1 & 2:冯浈皓
  • 尖尾亮甲 Eleodes acuticauda HNH3:冯浈皓
  • 尖尾亮甲 Eleodes acuticauda HNH4:冯浈皓
  • 尖尾亮甲 Eleodes acuticauda HNH5:冯浈皓
  • 尖尾亮甲 Eleodes acuticauda HNH6:冯浈皓
  • 尖尾亮甲 Eleodes acuticauda HNH7:冯浈皓

标本库照片拍摄坐标 (Location of Images Taken)

尖尾亮甲 Eleodes acuticauda HNH1 & 2:32°52’53.004″ N 117°14’9.93″ W (University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California, United States)

尖尾亮甲 Eleodes acuticauda HNH3:32°53’21.996″ N 117°14’56.982″ W (Torrey Pines State Reserve, La Jolla, California, United States)

尖尾亮甲 Eleodes acuticauda HNH4:32°53’18.78″ N 117°14’8.832″ W (University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California, United States)

尖尾亮甲 Eleodes acuticauda HNH5:32°55’32.346″ N 117°15’0.108″ W (Torrey Pines State Reserve, La Jolla, California, United States)

尖尾亮甲 Eleodes acuticauda HNH6:32°55’3.132″ N 117°15’23.31″ W (Torrey Pines State Reserve, La Jolla, California, United States)

尖尾亮甲 Eleodes acuticauda HNH7:32°55’29.988″ N 117°14’54.846″ W (Torrey Pines State Reserve, La Jolla, California, United States)

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