间壑皮金龟 Trox gemmulatus

科 (Family):皮金龟科 Trogidae

属 (Genus):皮金龟属 Trox

Trox gemmulatus Horn, 1874

Habitus of Natural History (HNH)

Description. Length, 9.5 to 11.5 mm. Wing, 12mm. on specimen of 10 mm. Head not tuberculate, but surface uneven, setae inconspicuous. Antennal scape with fulvous hairs, club either gray-brown or fulvous. Pronotum shining, lateral tubercles strongly elevated, large, elongate, their inner margins parallel with median ridges. Elytra shining, all odd intervals sharply, strongly tuberculate, tubercles on third, sometimes fifth, interval usually longitudinally confluent at base or in basal half, all other tubercles separated by flat spaces, those on seventh interval at base usually very prominent on humeral umbone, tubercles cristiform on top, most of them elongate, the yellow setae so short as to be just emergent; even intervals, also sutural interval, with widely spaced (about four or five times their diameter), round, setae-bearing tubercles that are larger than in other species except acaLnthiflus; marginal setae separated by their own lengths, sometimes two or three issuing from same point; margins strongly crenulate. Hind tibiae strongly serrate and spinose externally on inner side, with a small but definite tooth on outer side near middle.

  • 间壑皮金龟 Trox gemmulatus HNH1 & 2 & 3:11月 Nov.
  • 间壑皮金龟 Trox gemmulatus HNH4:3月 Mar.
  • 间壑皮金龟 Trox gemmulatus HNH1 & 2 & 3:冯浈皓
  • 间壑皮金龟 Trox gemmulatus HNH4:冯浈皓

标本库照片拍摄坐标 (Location of Images Taken)

间壑皮金龟 Trox gemmulatus HNH1 & 2 & 3:32°55’10.284″ N 117°14’44.586″ W (Peñasquitos Creek, La Jolla, San Diego, California, United States)

间壑皮金龟 Trox gemmulatus HNH4:32°53’8.928″ N 117°14’10.632″ W (University of California San Diego, La Jolla, San Diego, California, United States)

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